"On the Role of Confidentiality and Deadlines in Bilateral Negotiations", with Huseyin Yildirim, 75:2 (2012), 714-730, Games and Economic Behavior
"Payoff Uncertainty, Bargaining Power, and the Strategic Sequencing of Bilateral Negotiations", with Huseyin Yildirim, 43:3 (2012), 514-536, RAND Journal of Economics
"Uninformed Charitable Giving", with Huseyin Yildirim, Vol. 106, 14-26, 2013, Journal of Public Economics
reprinted in Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 114, June 2014.
"Imperfect Patent Protection and Innovation", Vol. 62, Issue 6, Dec. 2014, Journal of Industrial Economics
"The 80/20 Rule: Corporate Support for Innovation by Employees", with Priyanka Sharma and Liad Wagman, Vol. 38, 32-43, Jan. 2015, International Journal of Industrial Organization.
"Information, Competition and the Quality of Charities", with Huseyin Yildirim, Vol. 144, 64-77, 2016, Journal of Public Economics
"Strategic Ignorance in Sequential Procurement", with Huseyin Yildirim, Vol. 11, No. 2, May 2019, AEJ: Microeconomics
"When does Less Information Translate into More Giving to Public Goods?", with Billur Aksoy, Vol. 23, 2020, Experimental Economics
"Patent Policy, Imitation Incentives, and the Rate of Cumulative Innovation", with Priyanka Sharma and Chu Wang, Vol. 178, October 2020, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
"Informative Fundraising: The Signaling Value of Seed Money and Matching Gifts", with Piruz Saboury, Vol. 203, November 2021, Journal of Public Economics
"The Effect of Seed Money and Matching Gifts in Fundraising: A Lab Experiment", with Piruz Saboury and Marco Palma, Vol. 194, February 2022, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
"Information and Pricing in Search Markets", with Raphael Boleslavsky
"Simultaneous versus Sequential Contributions to Multiple Public Goods", with Billur Aksoy
"The signaling value of seed money and matching gift: a lab experiment", with Marco Palma and Piruz Saboury